C.Pop (who doesn't want his real name to be used on the blog because he actually thinks I have more than 2 readers) and I have wanted to do a big walking tour of the city for quite some time. As yesterday was his last real day of vacation before Law School starts up again, AND the clouds parted and we had the first sunny/warm/beautiful day in a long time, we decided to embark on the epic journey from the east side of the city all the way to the water. About a 7 mile (with hills) walk.
Here we go!
We began the day in the financial district. This Saturday was a special day where our MOMA membership would get us both into a bunch of museums for free! (AWESOME!) So we started at CJM to see the Wharhol's Jews exhibit which was pretty neat.
You can see the "cube" of the CJM and the crazy huge Marriott behind it.
Then we hit up the Cartoon Art Museum which was a lot cooler than either of us expected. If you have any love of comics/graphic novels/animation you should check it out.
After the museums we were off! He headed down Mission street for awhile then cut up to Market once the big protest cleared out. This is the SF Federal Building which is "So green it can't even be LEED certified".
We walked all the way down Market until it hits Valencia in the Mission. We then bought delicious burritos and decided to eat them in Dolores park.
Which was crazy packed with hipsters coming to enjoy the sun. It was really awesome.
View from the top of the hill in the park
I believe this is a high school.
So then we walked through the Castro and basically back up to Market and then up through this crazy ritzy neighborhood with an amazing view.
The city really is ridiculously picturesque isn't it???
Magical house/the stuff of fairytales.
blue blue sky
view down the other side of the hill with the fancy neighborhood
We then ended up near the Haight.
The Eye of the Tiger.
We were getting pretty tired at this point. We had been walking along the south side of Golden Gate park for quite some time and hadn't taken a break since the Mission. We wanted to find a bar/cafe for a pit stop, but nothing struck our fancy. Instead we decided to take a break in the park itself.
Gorgeous and secluded with a nice log to sit on. It was the perfect break. As you can see it's getting later in the day...
Nectar of the gods.
We then continued our walk through the park because it was so pretty.
WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!
Hurrah! What a fantastic day!
And a BIG thank you to Naz for feeding us caramel corn and driving us home afterwards!
wait...which C POp are you talking about? sooooooo confused.